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Mayflower Community Academy

Safeguarding Newsletters



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Safeguarding: Newsletter 7

Introducing our new Safeguarding Officer Ella Price, safeguarding news and updates for parents, advice on how to keep your children safe on new electronic devices and links to parent workshops and resources.

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Safeguarding: Newsletter 6

Safeguarding @ Mayflower Autumn 1

A warm welcome back to Mayflower after the summer holidays.

National and local safeguarding updates for families. 

Home and School Partnership Agreement.

Information regarding staff training. 

Useful resources and links for families. 

Pupil 'Safe Council' safeguarding themes schedule. 

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Safeguarding: Newsletter 5

Safeguarding @ Mayflower Summer

Our Pupil 'Safe Council' share safety tips on summer sun and road safety. Also, some links and useful resources for families. 

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Safeguarding: Newsletter 4

Safeguarding @Mayflower Spring

A focus on e-Safety, attendance, behaviour, staff training, policies, and links to useful resources for families.

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Safeguarding : Newsletter 3

Attendance at MCA
Lessons at Mayflower are planned to be sequential and progressive. This means that if pupils miss sessions they will not be able to readily make links in learning as intended. In addition t…

Safeguarding : Newsletter 2

Winter Help
There is support this Winter, to keep your families warm, safe and well.
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Safeguarding : Newsletter 1

Safeguarding@Mayflower Term 1
At Mayflower we value EVERY students safety and wellbeing. As members of staff, it is in our duty of care to ensure we are up-to-date on safeguarding policy from the trust and are vigilant …
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