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Our intent is for our children to develop a love of a wide range books, link sounds and letters and begin to independently read and write.




We provide daily BLAST sessions taught in small groups. Children are regularly assessed, and groups are carefully structured to make sure any pupil misconceptions are tackled at source. We also teach daily storytelling lessons, focusing on high quality texts and rhymes at a suitable level for our children. Children learn to tell stories orally and to pictorially depict a story. Children are given daily opportunities to read for pleasure, both independently and through story time at the end of the day. Children are provided with daily opportunities to mark make using a range of media.



We monitor the progress of our children through regular, ongoing observations and assessments. We use the Statutory framework for the Early Years Reception Stage and Development Matters to plan our progressive curriculum, across our EYFS, in order ensure that our children are making good progress. We also moderate both within school and externally as a LAT to ensure that our judgements are accurate.