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Kadus | Dancer and Anti-Racism



Hi Kadus, how are you?
Everyone at Mayflower is super excited to have you here, so thank you for joining us today.
  1. Hello Kadus, nice to meet you. We have seen the amazing work that you have been doing with Argyle Community Trust,but can you tell us more about what you have been up to and the impact you are having?
  1. We have seen that you recently did a workshop at Ivybridge College and as year 6 children, some of us have also been to look around. Could you tell us a bit more about the workshop that you delivered to pupils there?
  1. Have you ever experienced racism and what advice would you give to young people for managing/dealing with that?
  1. What has been your biggest achievement to date?
  1. How do we as children best raise awareness for equality, respect and discrimination?
  1. This month we are celebrating Black history month but how would you celebrate the history of cultures past October?
  1. We have also seen your earlier work with Rhythm City. How did you get into dancing and why?
  1. Do you use dance to express yourself? What were you or are you trying to express and say?
  1. What advice would you give to aspiring dancers and how can Mayflower do more to promote dancing in school?
It has been great to meet you today and we'd love to have you back. Perhaps you could teach us some moves? Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to be here with us. Please come back and remember that...Together We Can