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Community Christmas Cake

Week 1 - Baking

Families were invited to join the FPTA and Family Support Advisor to bake their Christmas Cake in the school hall. Christmas melodies oozing out of the speakers, friendly help on hand to all and the anticipation of the festive period in the air.

Community Christmas Cake Bake.

Ingredients were weighed out and families were provided with a simple recipe to follow together. Children and their families poured, mixed, explored ingredients that they hadn't tried before. Tasty cake mix was poured into cake tins and baked, ready for the following session. 

Week 2 - Preparation for decoration

Families returned to the hall, reunited with their cakes. The rustle of tin foil unveiled luxurious, golden cakes, festive spices filled the room. 

Each family spread a generous layer of apricot jam over their cake and was then given a block of marzipan which required softening, rolling and laying carefully onto the cake surface, in preparation for icing and festive decorations the following week. 

For parent demonstration, click here.