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Mayflower Community Academy


Our goals | A statement of Purpose

Our collective aims are:


To absorb everything the school is offering, to really enjoy working and to achieve maximum potential, both here and beyond.  

To make your unique contribution to school life and to appreciate the same from others. 

To agitate locally, nationally and even globally, by recalling, questioning, exploring and communicating your informed views on life and learning. 

To learn to focus and attend to learning. 

To create beautiful work that is crafted and drafted to achieve high quality outcomes. 



To ensure that pupils are linked to relevant audiences who will provide feedback and critique on learning. 

To ensure our school maximises its budget by effectively serving its local demographic and then creating a queue at the door. 

To collectively be an attractive school that recognises the benefits of research and development practices. 

To ensure that every pupil is learning to read, write and count, to national standards, as a minimum. 

To create memorable learning experiences which stimulate curiosity and which energises a desire for lifelong learning.


Parents and wider community

To keep well-informed of what pupils are learning, and play an active part in the learning process, by intentionally enhancing the pupils' experiences. 

To know that you are welcome at Mayflower and that you are able to engage in learning opportunities that stimulate curiosity and develop knowledge and skills. 

To engage with local partners and feel empowered to develop the talents and interests of pupils and other parents. 

To “sign up” to being at Mayflower, actively challenging and supporting its aims, so that we are all part of the drive to create leadership and learning, good enough to share, a “learning you'll remember forever”.